Monday, July 14, 2008
A very cool Wordpress Theme : FireBug

I present to you a very colorful and feature packed WordPress theme that has all the right ingredients to replace your current blog theme. Please welcome “Firebug“! A new WordPress theme from Blog Oh! Blog.
Firebug is a dark (but colorful) theme with two widget-ready sidebars, space for 125×125 banner ads, social tagging options at the end of each post, Gravatar ready comments, feed subscription options, WordPress 2.5+ Gallery feature, and much more. I have also included the logo.psd file in the images folder of the theme so that you can replace the logo.gif file with your own modified version. The WordPress theme is CSS/XHTML validated and has been tested with Firefox, Internet Explorer 6/7 and Safari.
Firebug comes under a Creative Commons License and is free to use on your blog as long as the credit link in the footer is kept intact. I hope everyone enjoys this new theme
Download (107 KB):

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Adding meta tags to blogger(blogspot) blogs,websites-SEO
Do you know adding meta tags is so important if you want to get more traffic from search engines like google,yahoo,msn,etc,especially the meta description is the most important one.
If you don't know what meta tags are,Meta tags are the tags which describes your site and tells the search engines what your site is all about.Adding meta tags is an important factor in SEO.(Search Engine Optimisation).Meta tags allows search engines to index your web pages more accurately. In other words,Meta tags communicate with the search engines and tells more information about your site and make it index correctly and accurately.
Here is an example.This is what I got when I typed 'Kranthi tips' in the Google Search Engine.

As you can observe.'Tips and tricks............' is the meta tags description which I added to my site.
We have to add two meta tags to the head section of the template.One is the Meta description which describes your site and another one is Meta Keywords which tells about your site keywords(what your site is all about)
Here is how to add meta tags to your blogger(blogspot) blog:
1.Sign in to your blogger dashboard>click the 'layout' button[see the screenshot below]

2.Click on the 'Edit html' tab

Here is the code you have to add
DESCRIPTION HERE:Write your blog description
KEYWORDS:Write the keywords of your blog
AUTHOR NAME:Write the author's name(Your name)
3.Add the above code just after this [Look at the below screenshot]

Don't forget to add description and keywords.
and save the changes.
Several people were filling with just the keywords in the description.DON'T DO THAT.Google and other search engines will ban your site from the search engines list if you did so.And also,don't repeat the keyword more than 3 times.
That's it!You have sucessfully added the metatags to your blogger(blogpsot) blog.If you want to check whether you added the meta tags correctly or not,just type 'meta tags analyzer tool' in the google and you will find so many sites which can check whether you have added the tags correctly or not.
Add Star ratings widget to your blog posts & get instant feed back from the readers

Most of the visitors feel a bit lazy to write a comments,so with this widget,they will help them and rate your posts as easy as 123.
You can get this rating widget here.Thanks to outbrain for providing this great widget.
hide-disable-remove-blogger navbar from your blog
Learn how to hide,disable or remove the blogger navbar(navigation bar) from your blog.
First,let us see what blogger navbar is:

Blogger navbar allows users to easily navigate to other random blogs and it also has a feauture to search the blogs ,and mark any blog as spam.
So,now you have a clear idea of what really a blogger navbar is.So, why so many people prefer to just remove the navbar inspite of the feautures it has like search,etc.Many people think that, it spoils the look of the blog,especially if your blog has differnet subtitle layout which looks too obvious to see for a visitor.Well, let me come to the actual point on how to disable or hide your blogger navbar.
Below is the step-by-step procedure on how to do it with photos to make it easy to understand.
1.Sign in to your blogger account and click the layout button next to your blog name

2.Next,click the edit html tab as shown in the below picture.
3.Add the below html code as specified in the below picture.
#navbar {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

4. Save the changes.
Now, you can see your blog without that navbar(this tip can only hides the navbar,it doesn't completely delete it).If you want the navbar to appear again,just remove that code and save the changes.
Increase traffic using Hubpages

What is a hub? A hub is like a blog where you can write about anything on your topic of choice. You can write topic of your interest and shared it with other like minded people who will benefit from reading your article.
Hub is free and it is very easy to use. It is very easy to sign up and all it requires is your email to get sign up. You can get started by clicking on the link below.
The tools are very user friendly to make your hub more appealing by adding content, pictures, videos and links to other web pages. Hub was designed for people who are not very technical so they can simply focus on publishing the hub.
The simplicity of the hub is by adding capsules. If you need to add a new content, picture or video, you can simply add a new capsule and these capsules can easily be moved to the way you like.
HubPages has very strict rule in terms of not allowing spam, adult content and unfinished hub, as a result content publish on hub tends to get pick up quickly by Google search engine.
It is very important that you produce original article that benefit the people from reading it if you wants to keep consistent traffic coming to your hub. For each article that you post on your hub, be sure you have a link pointing your site to drive targeted traffic back to your site. Just like blog be consistent and try to make post five times a week to get consistent traffic to your hub.
After you publish a hub you can promote your hub by using blog, friends via email, discussion forum and social bookmarking sites like Digg, reddit, and StumbleUpon.
You can also make money from your hub by creating an account with Google, ebay and Amazon. Google display ad on you hub based on the relevancy of the content on your hub. You can also decide which products to list in your ebay and Amazon capsules. The key to earn commission is to write quality content that people are looking for.
Comment Form at the bottom of the post feature in Blogger
One of the most common reasons for Blogger user to transfer their blog site in Wordpress is only because of the commenting system in Blogger. But recently blogger introduced a new feature which allows its user to add a comment form at the bottom of the post. To enable this feature you need to login through blogger draft.
So if you want to use comment form at the bottom of the post in blogger then follow the steps below
- Log in to Blogger draft
- Then go to Settings > Comments > Comment form placement and select the Embedded below post option. Done!!

But if you are using a custom template it will not automatically pick up the new code for the comment form. You need to make a small change to your template code for this comment form to display.
Go to Layout> Edit HTML in your blog's dashboard and check the "Expand widget templates" box
Then search for this code
Replace the above code with this new code
How to get more & more profile views on blogger harnessing new Blogger profile feature
Google has re-introduced same for Blogger profile, just put in interest or whatever in your Blogger profile and when you will click on that you will get the list of Blogger sharing same words or items in their profile.
Now you can use that feature to increase your profile views. It is very simple, all you need is to clutter your profile with loads of interests. But before going in details, lets look what actually google has introduced in Blogger profile.
Lets make visual explanation of all this.
I took a random profile and from his profile I clicked his one of interest that is FOOD.

When I clicked food then it showed me list of Blogger sharing same interests and presented me following results.
You can easily see that it showed results for FOOD and gave me around 38000+ blogger profile.

So this feature can be easily spammed and people already started it. Hence, to increase the chances of your profile view, fill it with everything you have in mind. Now whenver a blogger around the world have any of similar interest, shall automatically link you. :P . I already found few profile doing same and has profile views in thousands already. I am not pretty sure that how much it is going to affect but sure it will affect.
Here is one of the profile which is cluttered with interest :P
Download XML Blogger Template "Nice Day!"


How to install this template??
First download the template and extract the template to your hard disc.
1.First Sign in to blogger dashboard »» Click on the 'Layout' link »» Select the 'Edit html' tab at the top »»
and Upload the downloaded template using the browse button.

2.Save the Changes.
How to edit the links in the Navigation bar??

1.After installing the template, scroll down the template code and you will see this code nearly at the bottom of the template code.
Just edit the links there...

10 things a Blogger must do

1. Always maintain your blog fresh:
No body will like the idea of reading the same content over and over. It is very much essential to constantly add new post to your blog. Atleat one post a day will do the trick. Keep posting original posts with an easy to understand way. Whenever you are providing content from a diffrent site/blog give proper credit. It shows the blogging ethics.
2. Research a lot before posting:
Whenever you make a post make sure that you are providing the corerct information to your readers, for this you need to do a lot of research before make your post available to your readers.
3. Interact with your readers:
It is the most important aspect in order to create an emotional and personalize bond with your readers. Try to reply to all comments and e-mails you receive in your blog. Most of the time readers seeks assistance with queries thay have and if they get assistance fron your blog they will surely be a loyal reader. Also share a part of your personal life with your readers.
4. Choose a clear and attractive theme:
Visual appearance of a blog counts a lot. Make sure that the background is of lighter color and text is of darker. A grey or white background with black text is the best combination. Somewhere I found a blog where the background was red and the text was of white color, it had a very informative article but I could hardly read it, so copied it to Word and then read it. So if this is the case with your blog no body will care for you to stay in your blog and take strain. Minimise the use of Java Script (if requires use it just above the closing body tag) as it slows the website loading time.
5. Register at Digital Point :
Digital Point (DP) is the most useful forum for web masters and bloggers. It has topics ranging from SEO, Monetization and technical issues related to seting up blog and web sites. The memebers in DP are too helpful and always ready to provide support. If you have not joined DP then you must give it a try.
6. Have your own domain name:
It is better not to go for a free blogging service like blogger or If you are seriously into blogging then register a domain name which bets describes your topic of blogging also known as your niche.
7. Sign-up for adsense/adwords:
Every body needs money for a better living and we are not the odd-man-out in this league. Adsense is the best contextual adertising program and it is easier to be approved by adsense as comapred to other advertising program. Again adsense serve better advertisement based on your content if your blog is well optimized. But keep in mind that your blog is not crowded with advertisement or it will loose readers interest. The earning from adwords can be spent to advertise your own blog through adwords.
8. Submit your content to Social Bookmarking site:
Social Bookmarking service like Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon plays major role in bringing traffic to your web site/ blog. They also make your blog popular. Whenever you create a new post, it is good to submit it to various bookmarking sites.
9. Read fellow bloggers blog and comment:
Always visit other blogs and put comments. In this way you will be known in blogosphere and can have a few blogger friends. Provide your own judgement on the topic. Do not just spam their blog by writing comments like ‘thank you’ and ‘nice posts’. Commenting on other blogs will also fetch you some backlinks. Always ask for help from established bloggers.
10. Always write a recap of your best posts:
With due course of time many of your important posts are buried in pages in your blog. So visitors who lands on your home page may not get a chance to read those valuable posts.You can identify the popularity of your posts from the number of hits to that posts or the content that is very exciting. So at regular interval you can do a recap of your previous posts which have become popular among readers. Every month just write a recap of your 5 most popular posts. And after 3-4 months, you may consider to write a recap of 5 post popular posts among all those. This will give more exposure to your best posts.
Gizmo that Lets Up to Five People Listen to One Player at a Time
With this star-shaped gizmo known as the Rockstar from Belkin, teenagers will now have a new way to share and mix their music with friends.
The Belkin RockStar is a unique hub that connects a combination of MP3 players and headphones. By attaching your headphones, you can hear your friend’s play list.
The Belkin Rockstar allows up to five people listen to one player at a time, plus another hard-wired input connection for your MP3 player. This gizmo cost at a price of US$20.
With this new gizmo, students can sit around a lunch table, plug their headphones into RockStar, and then together listen to the songs playing from one MP3 player. It allows interaction within them and therefore enhance friendship bonds.
That's was the main reason why the Belkin Rockstar was created!
Joomla!Junkie: February template: EXTREME BLOGGER (FULL)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Link Building Tips for New Websites
15 Link Building Strategies for New Websites
- Submit your site to Web Directories. This is a pretty monotonous process that can get you several hundred backlinks if you have the time. An alternative would be to hire a manual directory submitter. Here’s a list of web directories you can use. You can also find some blog directories here.
- Submit Press Releases to PR sites. A basic press release about your website’s launch can be released to several PR websites, who will distribute it to various online news outlets. A good way to get a free link. I recommend using PRWeb and PRLeap.
- Reciprocal Links with Similar Websites. Its important to pick sites that are of high relevance so you’ll not only get links but traffic. Reciprocal linking can be useful from the beginning but don’t overdo it. You can find link partners by emailing them directly or searching through webmaster forums.
- Squidoo Lenses. A Squidoo lens is fairly easy to create. It only takes around 15 minutes to set up one fully and you’ll be able to insert a bunch of anchor text links to your website along with your feed content. Hubpages is another similar site you can use.
- Article Submissions. Create a short article on your niche topic and submit it to article directories for a backlink and some traffic. You might get more links if your article is picked up and published on other websites. Here is a list of article directories, sorted by Alexa and PageRank.
- Social Media Profiles. There a whole bunch of social websites online which allow you to insert a link to your website on the profile page. Sign up for some of them, preferably using a username and avatar that brands your business or you as a person. This might come in useful when you decide to promote your site via the social website in the future.
- Social Bookmarking/Voting Websites. Certain social voting websites like Netscape or Digg are often crawled by search engines and their links do help to get a website indexed. 3spots has the biggest list of social voting and bookmarking websites I’ve seen so far.
- Forum Signatures. Sign up for some forums in your niche and start contributing to ongoing discussions. Insert a link to the homepage or some inner pages of your site.
- Create a Tool, Theme or Widget. Pay a designer to come up with an add-on application or template that is related to a specific social network, popular website or platform. Include a credit link that points back to your designated website.
- Blogs on Other Blog Platforms. Use existing blogs you have on other blog networks. Or set up different versions of your blog on different blog networks like, Blogger and Xanga. Link to specific webpages on your website.
- Comment on Other Blogs. Start commenting on relevant and popular sites in your niche. Don’t just spam for links but focus on building a relationship with other bloggers as well. Write a relevant comment and try to avoid using keyword names or signature links.
- Guest posting on other blogs. Like article and press releases, this one involves having readily available content you can send out to certain blogs in your niche. This is great for getting relevant links and traffic.
- Hold Contests. Some websites often offer contests in a bid to attract anchor text links from bloggers. An example is this iPhone giveaway on Gary Lee’s site. Contests allow you to determine the specific anchor text but its possible that too many links using the designated keyword may harm your domain instead.
- Collaborative Projects. You may need to develop an article specifically for a writing project, blog carnival or meme but it will usually get you a couple of backlinks, depending on the number and generosity of the participants involved.
- Offer your Expertise. This will apply if you have a specific skill set such as web design, copywriting, translation or SEO. Write to an established website and offer to revamp/optimize their website in return for a mention or credit link on a webpage. This offers excellent branding, particularly if your offer is picked up by a website with a decent audience.
Friday, July 11, 2008
the world's older blogger,22049,22334438-5007132,00.html
AT 107 she is probably the world's older blogger and cyber granny Olive Riley may also lay claim to being the oldest YouTube user.
From her home on the Central Coast, the great-grandmother of seven files her The Life of Riley blog (or blob as she calls it), which has won her thousands of fans across the world.
Mrs Riley was born in 1899 in Broken Hill when Australia as a federation did not exist and NSW was still a British colony ruled by Queen Victoria.
She survived two World Wars and the Great Depression, witnessed the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, raised three children and worked any number of weird and wonderful jobs, including as an egg sorter and a station cook in western Queensland.
She is full of stories, not all of which have made the blog yet, like the time she punched a schoolmate who was teasing her about her then surname of Dangerfield.
And the time she accidentally got a station worker sacked because he was watching her through a spy glass when she, her daughter and the boss's daughter were skinny-dipping in the dam.
"All of it happened," Mrs Riley said.
"(My adventures) started even from when I was at school - lively things would happen.
"When I had the children I got a bit possessive and I wouldn't let them out of my sight. I used to take them everywhere with me - even on my jobs.
"I've got three children, umpteen grand children. I've got a lot of them and they're all nice, every one of them, and seven great grandchildren."
Mrs Riley is the first to admit she's no computer geek; in fact, she says she doesn't understand them at all.
Friend and film maker Mike Rubbo came to her with the idea of doing the blog and she relies on him and another friend from her nursing home to help her post her blogs.
"I've got no ideas about computers, no idea at all," she said.
"But Mike and that other man do and I tell them my stories and they put them on the computer.
"It's a bit of fun, although I do get a bit tired sometimes."
She is stunned by the number of people who read her blog but is thrilled by the "thousands of new friends from all over the world" that she has made.
"I thought I might have a few (readers) but I didn't think I'd have so many - but they all seem to be so happy about it," she said.
"Mike asked me for little things that I remember, and I know that the people will like them because they're not rude or stupid or anything.
"I'm sure they do enjoy them because of the replies I get. I get some real good replies. I've made a lot of friends by doing the blogs - thousands."
Mrs Riley, who will turn 108 in October, would have to be the world's oldest YouTuber as well.
She is the star of the YouTube film Olive Riley Returns to Broken Hill.
It's a short film made up of clips taken from a one-hour documentary on her called All About Olive which aired on ABC television last year.
Thousands of internet users have clicked on the YouTube site to hear her outback adventures.
Top 7 Free Wordpress Themes
A three column work of art. illacrimo is elegant, modern and well designed. Functional, simple but presents bloggers with a powerful professional impact for their blog readers.

Whalesalad is one of those wordpress themes that screams to be used. It’s a dark theme but colors don’t clash, I’ve had some hardcore light colored blog theme lovers swear by this one, which is praise enough i’m sure.

JsTheme bashes heads with it’s sleek, professional cool blue design. Great for pretty much any blog, it’s a 2 column block of ice, cool and a very solid design.

Grab a mug of coffe and sit back, relax, because this template is just one calm, slick thme. Yoghourt is it’s name, although I don’t agree with the name, the wordpress blog theme speaks for itself. Great colors, wonderful 2 column setup and lovely nips and tucks to the style sheet.

3 column templates don’t get hotter than this. Nothing I can say to explain how sexy this wordpress them is, you have to download it and check it out for your self! Do it now!

Minimal to an extent, not my favorite but i’ve got to give this blog theme props, it’s stands out with it’s unique design and simple layout. It’s functional and can be used in many ways that’s for sure, although not my cup of tea I give it 2 thumbs up!

farfromfearless, this designer is one of my favorites, his wp blog theme is also one of them. Green is one of my favorite colors, but this template does it all. Very well cooked up, well designed and very functional, 2 column wordpress template I would recomend to just about anyone!

Magic Traffic Bot

Since adwords destroyed all chances of a fair listing on search engines, more and more people are paying for traffic. It’s too expensive, but google make their $Billions all the same.
Nobody likes to lose money right?
That’s why now, webmasters constantly check their webstats. They want to see who is referring visitors to their website. They are curious as to who is linking to them and always click the referrer links in their stats pages. They are an untapped market.
Features :
AutoSearch & Ping as many sites as you like, perfectly legally ……… ping a site once, 100 times, 1000 times, it’s up to you.
Trigger a Massive Chain Reaction that will Explode Your Traffic and send your page counter spinning.
Generate a constant flood of TARGETED visitors each and every week … and do it 100% completely FREE from your own computer !
This groundbreaking & powerful program flooding traffic to your websites…….you can even promote it as an affiliate on a cool 50% commission. Or you can sell it yourself, buy it and you will have FULL RESALE RIGHTS!
One thing you can be sure of….This will be the best marketing program released this year.
Huge Traffic from Google Images!
Traffic From Google Image Search: Re-Claiming Your Visitors
One way to get more search engine traffic is to optimize your website for Google Image Search, a tool which allows users to easily find images by typing in specific search terms, phrases and keywords.
Highly relevant image results show up at the top of Google’s search results page when one searches for specific topics. Getting listed in this prime position can possibly send a great deal of traffic to your website.
250x250 adsense block top right
336x280 adsense block top left of content
Also included at the bottom is a space for a 468x60 banner or adsense block.
Meta-tags, Title, H1, H2, and file names are all optimized for each article focused on popular legal topics.
Personal Injury, accident attorney, etc.., are some of the highest paying keywords for adsense.
Just insert your adsense publisher id, update a few links, and you're done!
I typically see people selling these kinds of websites on ebay for $30.
This is not a cookie cutter plain jane adsense site.
It has nice graphics that I made in fireworks and with royalty free clipart. Register free with to get the license for the clipart.
Site was made in dreamweaver, so if you have dreamwever mx or higher, you can use the template feature directly. Otherwise, any html editor that can do global find and replace will do fine.
Find and Replace Keys:
* google_ad_client = "pub-your-id";
* Your Website Title Here
All Sites where you can Upload IMages
adsense alternative for making online money
According to me Experimentation is the Best way to gain something...
I have found these alternatives for Google Adsense all of which are worth trying..
3.Revenue Pilot
6.Yahoo Publisher Network
7.Tribal Fusion
8.Vibrant Media
14.Burst Media
17.24/7 Real Media
20.$ Agloco $
All the above sites are offering their best for Publishers
& are good Examples of Adsense Alternative
So Who Wins Google Adsense or These Alternatives?
Keep Testing & Happy Money Making....
Happy Money Making...